Thought: Hiring in the AI Age

Back in the day, tech hiring was all about those tricky algorithm puzzles and daunting whiteboard sessions. They felt like an IQ test, didn't they? Basically, they showed how much time you'd spent grinding away on LeetCode or HackerRank.

But do they really tell us if someone can excel at their job? Not really. They just prove you're trainable. That's fine for big companies with resources to spare on training, but smaller companies? They need people who can dive right in and get to work.

The Surprising Reality

I remember being stunned by the detailed technical demands from smaller companies when I first started job hunting. Meanwhile, giants like Google were more focused on teamwork and other soft skills. Ironically, smaller companies seemed tougher to crack.

And then there's the resume. How much can you trust it? Not every company can afford to run a background check on every candidate.

These concerns aren't new. Many companies have evolved their hiring processes. Yet, when testing a candidate's abilities, we still see two main components:

  • Quizzes: Check basic knowledge and prep effort.
  • Projects: Showcase actual, applicable skills.

Why Quizzes Fall Short

Quizzes cover algorithm puzzles and whiteboard coding, which are popular. But are they the only way?

To me, quizzes miss key real-world skills like information retrieval and tool use. Work isn't a school exam. You don't need to memorize everything. Heck, you don't always have to be the one doing the hands-on work. What matters is delivering results.

Enter the AI Age

AI is changing everything. Companies ignoring AI in their workflows are bound to fall behind.

As a business owner, you'd want your team to harness AI and boost productivity tenfold. Just like there are computer whizzes and novices, there are AI pros and beginners. Some people just excel at integrating technology to enhance their productivity.

But again, you can't gauge this adaptability with a quiz.

That's why I believe projects are becoming more crucial. A well-designed project can showcase a candidate's overall capability, which is ultimately what matters most to a company. We don't just need exam experts; we need people who prove they can deliver results.

The Shift in Hiring

I've noticed a shift. More companies are asking these questions:

  • Do resumes really matter?
  • Are algorithmic puzzles truly crucial?

Sure, they're still useful for filtering candidates. Hiring managers might need to sift through a mountain of applicants. But as time passes, their importance seems to be waning.

What's Next?

So, what does hiring look like in the AI age? For software engineers, I believe project-based challenges will dominate. Candidates will need to demonstrate that they can achieve more with AI, not just let AI do the work. The goal is to show that together, 1 + 1 > 2.

I'm building a solution to answer this problem. It's called Mision Hiring and I will show you in the future. 😉